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16 December 2023
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… with cheese from the Pyrenees

How can you come to the mountains and not think of cheese? How can you come to the Pyrenees and not think of cheese? How can you not associate winter with cheese? Uh, that’s already 3 good reasons to give you a melted cheese recipe, right? Have you heard of the Tartiflette? Well, here is our own version.

The Rogaliflette

I work at the Seix office, 300 meters from the ‘Rogallais’ cheese dairy, but I can easily substitute the title – and more – of this recipe with: the ‘Arposiflette’, the ‘Moulisflette’, the ‘Bethmaliflette’, and so on! You get it, the goal is to use the usual ingredients of ‘Tartiflette’, but with a cow cheese from Couserans. They are particularly suitable and in winter, this dish is an integral part of my lifestyle!

Un rappel de la recette ?

Ingredients for 4 people :

  • 6 large potatoes
  • 200 g of smoked bacon (get it from the butcher, it’s better!)
  • 2 onions
  • A good piece of cow cheese from Couserans
  • Fresh cream
  • Butter

Let’s go !

  • Peel the potatoes. Bring them to a boil. My little tip: add a few small winter leeks, it’s delicious!
  • Once cooked, drain them and let them cool slightly.
  • Slice the onion, sweat it in a pan with olive oil, and why not a splash of dry white wine.
  • Add the smoked bacon, let it all sweat a few more minutes.
  • Butter a gratin dish.
  • Cut half of the potatoes into thick slices and place them at the bottom of the gratin dish.
  • Add half of the cooked bacon and onions.
  • Add the remaining sliced potatoes and the rest of the cooked bacon and onions.
  • Spread the fresh cream on top.
  • Cut thick slices of cheese (leave the rind, of course!) and place them on the potatoes.
  • Put it in a very hot oven: 220-225°C (thermostat 7 – 8) until the cheese melts and browns on the surface.

Eat this with a salad, if you want a lighter conscience… 😉

Bon appétit !