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12 April 2024
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One saturday morning…

For me, the place and moment that crystallizes all of Couserans is the Saint-Girons market. Here, one can observe all the benefits of the cultural melting pot that has been taking place in Ariège for decades. Local traditions are very much alive, carried by centuries of know-how and mountain productions, and, despite what some narrow-minded people may think, they are also enriched by the successive arrivals of new inhabitants. All share a primary attachment to the land, and the land rewards them well!

So come stroll through the colorful aisles, smell the scents of spices or grilled meats, taste a cheese, a meat, a charcuterie, or a mountain honey – and right after, eat a Vietnamese nem or a Lebanese sandwich – buy your organic but especially local vegetables or small fruits, treat yourself to a handmade jewel or soap, take home an aloe vera plant, and make so many other purchases to support a truly sustainable economy.

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