One of the most beautiful and historic Pyrenean cross-border loops following in the footsteps of smugglers and traffickers.

This route can be travelled in either direction as it is fully signposted. The length of some of the stages will require good physical condition as well as experience reading maps.

The route crosses five passes, at above 2,400 m in altitude. These passages are still well covered with snow in June or early July and require close attention and even the use of ice axes and crampons.

The climb is dotted with ruins and twisted ironworks that bear witness to the valley’s mining heritage, which seems to have permeated the stone. From the world of Zola to the scene of a Western, the Bentaillou never fails to move us.

There are three entry points for this route :

  • From the « La Maison du Valier » stopover lodge in the Ribérot valley,
  • The Eylie stopover lodge in the Biros valley,
  • And from the Montgarri refuge in the Aran Valley.

Our advice : Don’t hesitate to call the hut guardians to find out about snow and weather conditions on the passes.   

It’s 2pm and remains of the old mines of the Bocard d’Eylie, dotted with ruins and rusty scrap metal, have been bathed in autumn light since the morning. Armed with her walking pole and a backpack filled to the brim, she began her three-day route escorted by a group of friends who were used to exploring this unique mountain range.