Happy to take in the view!

Imagine if our surroundings allowed us to truly relax and do nothing, or rather to be happy simply taking in the view ?       

Are you looking at a great view? Perfect. Wait a little while before taking out your smartphone or your camera, because first and foremost, this moment is for you. You are here, and now.

It is this focus on the senses and what they detect in the moment that allows us to step back from our existence, to breathe and to come back completely refreshed, creative, a dreamer and the builder of our own lives once more.  

Chase away any thoughts that interfere with this dialogue with the present moment. 

It is this focus on the senses and what they detect in the moment that allows us to step back from our existence, to breathe and to come back completely refreshed, creative, a dreamer and the builder of our own lives once more.   

To walk towards the unknown is also to walk within ourselves, in the most intimate and magical parts of our beings.  How far do you want to go ?   

Looking for good viewpoints ?

Some suggestions to enjoy a spot of contemplation in Couserans (of course, its always best in low season)

Taking care of yourself …

The priority is you ! It seems that making yourself happy and caring for yourself increases your ability to open up to others. Seems paradoxical, doesn’t it ? 

The priority is you ! It seems that making yourself happy and caring for yourself increases your ability to open up to others. Seems paradoxical, doesn’t it ? 

Here are a few examples of little pleasures you won’t want to miss : 

Reconnecting with nature

The Couserans offers a host of opportunities to reconnect with nature and people.     

If, stood before our magnificent landscapes, time seems slower, it is to encourage you to live in the moment and follow the rhythm of nature, letting yourself be lulled by the sounds and scents that surround you. To observe what you might, at first glance, consider mundane: this plant, this tree, this insect … and discover that there is so much to learn about the life that exists around you.

Then, to become humbled by this complex ecosystem to which we all belong.  Getting back in touch with nature is also getting back in touch with yourself.

A way to reconnect with simple pleasures, to meet others, to chat with shopkeepers at the market, to participate in workshops and try out the skills of our elders – to make soap, a wicker basket or even cheese. Listen to the locals talk about their land or follow a guide who will tell you all about wild edible plants.   

Our inspiration for a successful return to nature

1. Take a « digital détox » break  

Every day, as a result of our constant connectivity, we absorb a huge amount of information – most often bad and anxiety-provoking – and even more so these last few months … Let yourself slide towards the positive, the light of the sun rather than the light of your screens … And if you really can’t resist, only take a look at your mobile phone to send news to your loved ones and perhaps take a few photos to share on your social media. 

2. Star gazing  

 In the countryside – or even better, at higher altitudes – the night sky is a spectacle for both the eyes and the soul. Observing the stars brings the pleasure of escape and exploration … It is also a magical moment in which the imagination is set free. A walk under the stars with a guide, the Guzet star-gazing night, or simply alone. Did you know that some of our non-polluted sky observation spots (free of permanent pollution clouds, lights, etc.) could even be certified ? 

3. Lose yourself

Leave your watch behind. Let the sun tell you the time, your belly tell you when it is hungry, and your eyes tell you when it’s time for a nap ! Let yourself go: disconnect completely ! 

4. Follow the guide !   

The Couserans has no shortage of enthusiasts capable of showing you the way to fascinating treasures and uncovering the secrets of our mountains in complete safety. Hiring a naturalist guide or a mountain leader will allow you to bring back home memories, knowledge and unusual anecdotes to share. 

5. Practice “Shirin Yoku”: a forest bath

 This is a form of preventive medicine in Japan. And yes ! Trees release volatile molecules that can be very useful for our bodies : they fight stress, boost the immune system and serve as a concentration and memory aid, among many other therapeutic virtues. After so much time spent indoors lately, this is a great reason to go for a walk in the forest ! 

6. Reconnect with all that is living  

Visit an authentic farm, go for a walk with a donkey or take a horse ride : what could better than recognising that man is not alone on earth, and that we are part of a whole. Being in the presence of animals soothes, revitalises and encourages concern for others. By reconnecting with the earth and reconnecting with the living, you will have come full circle in your return to nature !